
Displaying an Image in a Microsoft Access Image Control

If you have a column in a Microsoft Access table that has the name of an image that refers to a file on the disk, you can update an image control in either a form or report with the code below. Put this code into a standard VBA module that you create with Insert Module from the menu. This code assumes that all the images are in a subdirectory of the location of the database called "images" if there are relative paths to the image file.

Public Const strImageFolder = "images"

Public Sub DisplayImage(ctlImageControl As Control, strImagePath As Variant)
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    If IsNull(strImagePath) Then
        ctlImageControl.Visible = False
        If InStr(1, strImagePath, "\") = 0 Then
            strImagePath = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\" & strImageFolder & "\" & strImagePath
        End If
        ctlImageControl.Visible = True
        ctlImageControl.Picture = strImagePath
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 2114 'Doesn't support the format of the file
            ctlImageControl.Visible = False
        Case 2220 ' Can't find the picture.
            ctlImageControl.Visible = False
        Case Else  ' Some other error.
            MsgBox "Unexpected Error #" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Unexpected Error"
    End Select
End Sub

To use this code in a form, if the control that contains the image name txtPicture and the image control is named imgPicture then add this code to the module for the form:

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
    Call DisplayImage(Me!imgPicture, Me!txtPicture)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
    Call DisplayImage(Me!imgPicture, Me!txtPicture)
End Sub

Private Sub txtPicture_AfterUpdate()
    Call DisplayImage(Me!imgPicture, Me!txtPicture)
End Sub

To use it in a report, assuming there is a column in the table or query the report is based on called strPicture and an image control named imgPicture, add this code to the report:

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
    Call DisplayImage(Me!imgPicture, Me!strPicture)
End Sub

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