
How to Handle Decimal Windows Error Numbers

Occasionally, I receive error numbers from some program that are in decimal rather than the normal way that Windows discusses them, which is in hexadecimal. For example, I ran code contracts on a solution and it reported an error of -1073741571. To look up this error, several steps need to happen.

  1. Run the Windows calculator program. You can just type calc in the search on the task bar.
  2. Click on the menu icon in the upper left and select "Programmer".
  3. Click on "DEC" if it is not already selected.
  4. Type in -1073741571.
  5. Click HEX. The number comes back as FFFF FFFF C000 00FD.
  6. Ignore the top two bytes and search in your favorite search engine for C00000FD. This turns out to be a stack overflow exception. The exception is being caused by some bug in the code contracts when the Emit contracts into XML doc file checkbox is checked.
The Windows Calculator Program
The programming mode in the Windows calculator is not very well known. The other way to do conversions is to buy a HP-16C programming calculator on Ebay. None of the other calculators HP made were nearly as good for programming. I dearly love that calculator, but it's more trouble than its worth to go dig it out when the calculator in Windows is always there and you can copy and paste from it.

HP-16C Calculator


Change Visual Studio Task Bar Button to Run as Administrator

For some tasks, you need to run Visual Studio as an administrator. For example, if a build of a project needs to register for COM interop, Visual Studio will need to be run as an administrator. The easiest way to do that is to pin Visual Studio to the task bar, then change the button to run as an administrator.

To pin Visual Studio to the task bar, in the Start menu, right click on the shortcut for Visual Studio, click More, then select Pin to Task Bar. Then:
  1. Right click on the new Visual Studio icon on the task bar
  2. Right click on Visual Studio 2017 (or whatever version you are dealing with) from the menu that appears
  3. Left click on Properties from the menu that appears
  4. Click the Advanced button in the dialog
  5. Check the Run as Administrator check box
  6. Press OK on all the dialogs

Code Contracts in Visual Studio 2017

At the moment, the Code Contracts project has not caught up to Visual Studio 2017. As a work-around, you can copy a file from the install for Visual Studio 2015 into the proper place and it will allow the projects to build. It will not, however, enable the tab for setting the options in the Project Properties. For that you will still need to open the project in Visual Studio 2015.

The word Community will need to be replaced by the specific version of Visual Studio you have installed, Community, Professional, etc., in the script that follows.

This can be placed into a batch file (fixcontracts.bat) that can be checked into the project. Run the batch file as an administrator.

xcopy /y "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Microsoft.Common.Targets\ImportAfter\CodeContractsAfter.targets" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportAfter\"
setx /m TargetFrameworkSDKToolsDirectory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.7 Tools\\"

The line with TargetFrameworkSDKToolsDirectory sets a system environment variable to point to a directory where it can find sn.exe that re-signs the executable after adding the contracts. The defaults inside the targets file do not find sn.exe correctly (at least in some of my environments) without this variable. The two slashes at the end are not a mistake; the first escapes the second and only seems to be needed when preceding a quote mark. If you need to adjust this variable later, you can type System in the taskbar search box, then click the  Advanced system settings item, then click the Environment Variables button and edit it in the dialog that appears.
Contracts won't work with the .Net Framework 4.7, at least until they do a new release, so stick with 4.6 at the latest.


WiX MSI ICE Errors

A MSI (Microsoft Installer) file is actually a relational database. You can use the ORCA (One Really Cool App) program to examine its content. While the WiX candle compiler and light linker can check the contents of individual records in the database, it is the job of ICE (Internal Consistency Evaluators) to check if the database is created correctly.

ICE is a set of rules (written with code) that verify things such as referential integrity within the MSI file. This is a list of all of the ICE errors, what they mean, and how to fix them.


Colorizing C# Code in Blogger

I went back and revised all of the C# code in this blog using the info from here. I then colorized the keywords using this web page. This made all of the code examples a little nicer. Some day I might do the same thing for other languages and XML.

WiX Burn Command Line and Custom Bootstrapper Event Sequence

When a bootstrapper created with the WiX burn program executes, there are six possible Actions that it can handle: Install, Uninstall, Layout, Modify, Repair, and Help. (There are three more listed in the enum, but I don't know how they get triggered as they are not supported on the command line: Cache, UpdateReplace, and UpdateReplaceEmbedded.) The actions can be triggered by a switch on the bootstrapper application's command line:

setup [/install|/uninstall|/layout [path]|/modify|/repair|/help|/?] [/full|/none|/passive|/embedded] [other parameters]

The default is /install /full. The /help and /? options both cause the Help action. You can detect which Action was passed by checking this.Command.Action and comparing the values to the enum LaunchAction. You can detect which Display option was passed by checking this.Command.Display against the enum Display. If you are constructing your own interface, you can interpret the Action and Display switches as you see fit. If you don't want to support one, you should return an error. The /layout option may have an optional path, which can be retrieved from this.Command.LayoutDirectory.

Other information can be passed on the command line, which can be read from this.Command.GetCommandLineArgs(), which returns a string array. The string array will have the Action or Display options stripped.

The actual parsing of the command line is found in this C++ code in the ParseCommandLine() method.

When a WiX custom bootstrapper executes, there are a series of events that occur. Although you can add your own event handlers, there is no need. Instead, when you inherit from BootstrapperApplication, you can then override methods whose names all begin with On. If you override one of these method, you should call the base method at the end. For example:

protected override void OnStartup(Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.StartupEventArgs args)
    this.Engine.Log(LogLevel.Standard, "OnStartup");

Below is the sequence of events as they occur, and which Action causes them to execute. It is helpful to have these as comments in the Custom Bootstrapper file, so I've formatted them to be copied and pasted.

// I=Install U=Uninstall L=Layout M=Modify R=Repair
//// OnStartup (IULMR)
////  OnDetectBegin (IULMR)
////   // For each package
////   OnDetectPackageBegin (IULMR)
////   OnDetectPackageComplete (IULMR)
////  OnDetectComplete (IULMR)
////  OnPlanBegin (IULMR)
////   // For each package
////   OnPlanPackageBegin (IULMR)
////   OnPlanPackageComplete (IULMR)
////  OnPlanComplete (IULMR)
////  OnApplyPhaseCount (IULMR)
////  OnApplyBegin (IULMR)
////   OnCacheBegin (LR)
////    OnProgress (L)
////    OnCachePackageBegin (LR)
////     OnResolveSource (L)
////     OnCacheAquireBegin (LR)
////      OnCacheAcquireProgress (repeats) (LR)
////     OnCacheAquireComplete (LR)
////     OnCacheVerifyBegin (LR)
////      OnCacheAcquireProgress (repeats) (LR)
////     OnCacheVerifyComplete (LR)
////     OnProgress (LR)
////    OnCachePackageComplete (LR)
////   OnCacheComplete (LR)
////   OnElevate (IUM)
////   OnRegisterBegin (IUM)
////   OnRegisterComplete (IUM)
////   OnExecuteBegin (IULMR)
////    OnExecutePackageBegin (IUR)
////     OnExecuteProgress / OnExecuteMsiMessage (repeats) (IUR)
////     OnProgress (IUR)
////    OnExecutePackageComplete (IUR)
////   OnExecuteComplete (IULMR)
////   OnUnregisterBegin (IUMR)
////   OnUnregisterComplete (IUMR)
////  OnApplyComplete (IULMR)
//// OnShutdown (IULMR)

// Other events that may occur:
// OnDetectCompatiblePackage
// OnDetectForwardCompatibleBundle
// OnDetectMsiFeature
// OnDetectPriorBundle
// OnDetectRelatedBundle
// OnDetectRelatedMsiPackage
// OnDetectTargetMsiPackage
// OnDetectUpdate
// OnDetectUpdateBegin
// OnDetectUpdateComplete
// OnError
// OnExecuteFilesInUse
// OnExecutePatchTarget
// OnLaunchApprovedExeBegin
// OnLaunchApprovedExeComplete
// OnPlanCompatiblePackage
// OnPlanMsiFeature
// OnPlanRelatedBundle
// OnPlanTargetMsiPackage
// OnRestartRequired
// OnSystemShutdown


Visual Studio 2017 Missing Guidgen.exe

I installed Visual Studio 2017 on a machine today. I installed the minimal set of things needed to perform the compile that I needed. When I went to create a GUID, selecting Tools > Create GUID from the Visual Studio menu, it complained that it was missing guidgen.exe. I went back to the Visual Studio installer (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe) and selected Modify. From there I selected Individual components, then check the box for VC++ 2017 v141 toolset (x86,x64) in the Compilers, build tools, and runtimes section. When I clicked the Modify button, it then installed the guidgen.exe program, among other things.

This is actually a bug in the Visual Studio 2017 install. It should not add the Create GUID to the tools menu if it doesn't also install the guidgen.exe tool.

I reported this bug to Microsoft. They say that it is fixed in an upcoming release.


Extract the Contents of a WiX Burn Setup Executable

To extract the contents of a setup executable created by the WiX Burn compiler, use this command line:

dark setup.exe -x extractfolder

This assumes that the dark.exe program is on the path, that the name of the executable that you want to extract is setup.exe and that extractfolder is the path to the folder in which you wish to extract the contents. It will create two sub-folders: AttachedContainer and Ux. The AttachedContainer folder will have the payloads that are installed into the executable. The Ux folder will contain all of the files necessary to build the user interface of the application.


Be Careful About Formatting WiX XML Files

During the construction of a WiX MSI file, I was getting an error that looked like this

ICE17: Bitmap: '

It took a bit to debug what was causing it. I eventually used the WiX dark tool to decompile the MSI file, then looked for places where it might be referencing a bitmap. This is what I saw in the file (with some attributes removed):

<Control Id="BannerBitmap" Text="&#xD;&#xA;        WixUI_Bmp_Banner&#xD;&#xA;    "/> 
Makes perfect sense what was happening. This is what the XML in the source looked like:

    <String Id="BannerBitmap" Overridable="yes">

What had happened is that I had used Visual Studio to reformat the XML, which inserted Carriage Return/Line Feed (the &#xD;&#xA;) and spacing around the WixUI_Bmp_Banner. When WiX went to write the error into the error file, the first Carriage Return ended the error message, and it lost the rest of the message that had what it was complaining about. It's a bug in the WiX light compiler that it doesn't show the right error message, but perfectly understandable what is happening. All that is needed to fix the error is removing all the formatting.

<String Id="XocReadMeDlgBannerBitmap" Overridable="yes">WixUI_Bmp_Banner</String>

Looking at the output from the dark program shows several places where the formatting has messed up the strings being used in the files. I recommend using dark to find places in your files that might have subtle errors like this. It's important to know that WiX is actually putting all the white space in the MSI files, including Carriage Return/Line Feed and all spaces and tabs that appear in the XML files.

Transitioning from InstallShield LE to the WiX Toolset

I am making the transition from using InstallShield LE (Limited Edition) to using the WiX toolset for the installation of the Xoc Maya Calendar program that I developed. Both InstallShield and WiX use the Microsoft Windows Installer to do the heavy lifting. The Microsoft Windows Installer is a database with the extension .msi that has all of the information to install a program inside it. It cannot do a few things, though, such as install the .NET Framework before it runs. For that it needs a bootstrapper program that does the install of the framework, extracts the MSI file, then uses the Microsoft Installer exec (msiexec.exe) program to actually do the main install.

InstallShield provides an interface for creating both the MSI file and the bootstrapper. However, it has some limitations that have caused me to move to using WiX. These are the reasons I have moved:
  • The full version of InstallShield is expensive. It is $699 to $4999 depending on the version you get. There is a Limited Edition version, however, that was less, and that was what I was using.
  • The Limited Edition came with Visual Studio 2015 Professional. However, it did not work with the Community Edition. The Community Edition is the free version of Visual Studio for very small companies (like mine) and educational purposes. As a Microsoft Alumni, I can get Professional Edition at a steep discount, but it gives me no benefit over the Community Edition, except providing the license to use InstallShield LE.
  • InstallShield LE is just that, limited. There are many kinds of installs that it won't create. WiX can create anything that the MSI files support.
  • However, this is the killer: InstallShield LE is not out for Visual Studio 2017. It's not just that it isn't out now, and might be out in a month, it's that there might be significant periods in the future where it is unavailable when there is a lag between a Visual Studio release and an InstallShield release.

WiX is free and open source. The main drawback is that the learning curve to using it is steep. It is configured entirely by XML files; there is no user interface other than some minimal integration with Visual Studio. There are some attempts at providing a UI to creating the XML files, but none of them is as slick as InstallShield. It's not that XML configuration is difficult. I actually prefer XML to a UI, it's that there are a lot of options, and in some cases, it is not entirely clear how they interact. The UI can provide a list of Windows releases or .NET Framework releases rather than knowing exactly what value that needs to be entered into the XML.

After a few days of working with WiX, I broke down and essentially bought the documentation, which is the book WiX 3.6: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML. (WiX is on 3.11 with 4.x in beta at this point, but the book is still the best there is.) This book is really essential for creating WiX installs. The documentation of each of the entries in the XML file is on the WiX web site, but the way to tie them together to make an install is found in the book. With a few days of working my way through the book, I am well on my way to having a new install process.

There is one tip that you may find useful if you make the transition from InstallShield to WiX. (I, of course, found this out after I had done most of the work by hand!) You can actually use some tools to create an equivalent WiX WXS file from the InstallShield executable. You will need the InstallShield setup file and the dark.exe tool that comes with the WiX toolset. Assuming that the setup program is setup.exe, that the MSI file that it extracts is setup.msi, and that the dark program is on the path, from an elevated command prompt execute the following commands:

setup.exe /x /b"." /v"/qn"
dark -x . "setup.msi" "setup.wxs"

The first line extracts the MSI file from the InstallShield executable into the current directory. The second line extracts the binary resources from the MSI file into sub-directories and creates a file called setup.wxs that has the WiX XML necessary for producing that MSI file. The WXS file will have a lot of cruft in it created by InstallShield that should be cleaned up, but it will save you a lot of work on trying to create an equivalent WiX file for the InstallShield setup.


WiX Votive Preprocessor Variable Not Finding Project Name

In WiX, the votive preprocessor variables allow the use of syntax such as $(var.ProjectName.TargetDir), where the ProjectName is the name of a project within your solution. However, you may get an error that the variable is undefined. If so, the most likely reason is that you need to add a reference to the project mentioned in ProjectName to the WiX project that is using the variable.

I got on a wrong track thinking that maybe WiX was confused by the fact that I had periods inside the project name. That, however, was a red herring. It would have complained about any project name.


The Design of Everyday Things

When I worked at Microsoft, they gave anyone who wanted one copies of several books. One was The Design of Everyday Things (originally called The Psychology of Everyday Things), by Don Norman. The Design of Everyday Things is still one of my favorite books. It is not really about computer interfaces, but all the rules apply to computers. It covers things like: why is it that when you come to a door in a building you are always pushing when you should be pulling, pulling when you should be pushing, or pushing on the side where the hinge is? It's because the door design told you to do that (and don't you feel stupid when you do!). If designers were allowed to design emergency exits, lots of people would die in fires. We don't let designers create emergency exits. Think about that the next time you click on something that looks like a hyperlink and you don't go anywhere.


WiX Splash Screen Not Showing

I am working with WiX 3.11, the Windows Installer Toolkit. I was having a problem with the splash screen not showing when specified in the SplashScreenSourceFile attribute. The WiX log file recorded "Error 0x80070057: Failed to load splash screen bitmap." I eventually found this post that says that the version of the bitmap matters. Gimp and other programs output the wrong version for WiX. This is probably a bug in WiX. I opened the bitmap in Microsoft Paint and saved it again. After doing that, the splash screen started showing.

Note that the WiX splash screen must be a bitmap, not a png, jpg, or any other file format.


C# Version 7 New Features

Visual Studio 2017 shipped earlier this month. Visual Studio itself has new features, but this article is concentrating on the C# programming language. I made a previous post on what they were talking about early in the development of C# version 7, but now we get to see what actually made it into the final product.

While these features are in the shipping version, there is yet to be a formal specification of the language for C# version 7. The last formal specification was for C# version 5. It would be good if they could get the spec updated.

This article describes the new features: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2017/03/09/new-features-in-c-7-0/

1) Out variables. When specifying out variables, the definition of them can be placed at the point where they are called. We used to have to do this:

public void PrintCoordinates(Point p)
    int x, y; // have to "predeclare"
    p.GetCoordinates(out x, out y);
    WriteLine($"({x}, {y})");

but now we can do this:

public void PrintCoordinates(Point p)
    p.GetCoordinates(out int x, out int y);
    WriteLine($"({x}, {y})");

This is very nice especially for things like a TryParse method.

2) Pattern matching. This is now valid code:

    case Circle c:
        WriteLine($"circle with radius {c.Radius}");
    case Rectangle s when (s.Length == s.Height):
        WriteLine($"{s.Length} x {s.Height} square");
    case Rectangle r:
        WriteLine($"{r.Length} x {r.Height} rectangle");
        WriteLine("<unknown shape="">");
    case null:
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));

The order of interpreting case statements has changed. Before it was undefined the order they were executed. Now, because order matters as the two Rectangle cases above show, case statements are executed in order, except the default is always executed last, regardless of order.

There is more stuff that matching can do.

3) Tuples. I think this is the one that might affect my code the most as it gives the ability to return more than one value from a method call. The Lua programming language has a way of doing that, and I found it cool. Tuples is actually more powerful than what Lua can do. Example of a declaration:

(string first, string middle, string last) LookupName(long id)
    // stuff

Then can be called with:

(first, middle, last) = LookupName(id2);

There are more variations on this.

4) Local functions. A method that is scoped so it is only accessible to an outer method. This is likely to get used incorrectly, so be careful. Here is a valid use:

public int Fibonacci(int x)
    if (x < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Less negativity please!", nameof(x));
    return Fib(x).current;

    (int current, int previous) Fib(int i)
        if (i == 0) return (1, 0);
        var (p, pp) = Fib(i - 1);
        return (p + pp, p);

5) Underscores in constant declarations of numbers. These are all valid now:

var d = 123_456;
var x = 0xAB_CD_EF;
var b = 0b1010_1011_1100_1101_1110_1111;

The underscores are ignored, but may improve readability of some numbers.

6) Ref returns and locals. Methods can return information by reference instead of by value. See the example in the link above. This is particularly useful in returning pointers into a large data structure. For a few things this will vastly speed up code.

7) Async can now return things that are not Task. Creating things using these is not going to happen a lot, but calling things defined with them probably will.

8) You can now use expression bodies (=> definitions) in accessors, constructors, and finalizers. Some people love these...I just find them a weird syntactic sugar.

9) Throw from the middle of an expression. Okay fine. There might be a day where I find this useful...but it doesn't seem likely right now.


Password Won't Work

Okay, this one was kind of trivial, but it took a little time to debug it, and I'm trying to document the things that I have to debug. I figure that if I have to debug it, someone else may be running into the same problem. That someone else might be me a few years from now.

A Windows Update of SQL Server on my web server was causing it to partially hang at boot. This was keeping other parts of the operating system from booting, and make the Remote Desktop part of the network driver to not get any CPU time. Remote Desktop to the web server stopped working. I went to the server rack and tried to log in. It didn't accept the password. Arg, now what do I do? I'm locked out of the server.

I booted from the operating system disk and created a command prompt. When I tried changing drives, something mysterious showed up. It was not echoing the key I was typing on the keyboard. Oh, duh! Due to space considerations at the server rack, what I was typing on was one of those small keyboards that has a keypad overlaid on some of the letter keys, instead of a separate keypad. NumLock was on! Thus I was typing numbers for part of the password. Reboot, turn off NumLock, and it logged in fine.

Next step is to disable NumLock permanently at startup. This link gives three ways of doing that. Then on to fix my hang problems.


Windows Photos CPU Consumption

With the demise of Google Picasa, I need a new photo indexer and viewer. The Google replacement solution does not work for me. I have a fairly large amount of photos taken over the years, that I do not want to upload to the cloud. I cannot have Google performing lossy compression on them when they do get there, and I'm not paying them to not do compression. I need the original photos. Picasa was about perfect for what I needed, but now it's gone. I would even pay a small fee to keep Picasa around. This is not the first Google app that they've abandoned that I used.

So I looked around for what could replace it. One app that might work is Windows Photos, that comes for free with Windows. I fired it up. However, by default, it only searches in a few pre-defined places on the disk. So I changed the setting to have it search the entire disk. Which it did, very slowly, but it found all my photos. Still evaluating whether it meets my needs.

Several days later, I noticed that my laptop was running hot, with the fan running at full speed, every time that it went idle. I didn't make the connection that it was what I did in Photos. And, of course, if I went to look at what was running, that took it out of the idle state, which meant that whatever was running hot wasn't doing it when I looked. Stupid Schrödinger's cat getting in the way again...looking changes the state of things.

I eventually figured out how to find what was consuming all the CPU time. It was right there in Task Manager. Ctrl-Alt-Del brings up Task Manager. In a Remote Desktop environment, its Ctrl-Alt-End, as Ctrl-Alt-Del will bring up the Task Manager of the host system, not the remote system. Then select Task Manager from the list. In Task Manager, there is the App History tab. Click on that. Then click Delete usage history. Then let it go idle, come back later, and look at the list.

So what was sitting at the top of the list? The Windows Photos app! Running all really hot. It seems that when I told it to look over the entire disk, it does that any time the system goes idle, looking for new photos! Since it can't complete that task before the next time it should look, it just runs continuously. To make it so it only looks for new photos when it is running in the foreground, in Windows, click Start > Settings > Privacy > Background Apps, and move the slider on Photos to off. Problem solved.

So lessons learned: To monitor CPU usage, the App History tab in Task Manager is the right tool. Don't let Photos run in the background. And don't trust Google to keep making apps available...they abandon apps that are successful, unlike Microsoft...and when they do, they remove them completely, not just leaving the last version on their sites.


Getting a Free SSL Certificate from Let's Encrypt to Use on IIS Server

Let's Encrypt (https://letsencrypt.org) provides a service that distributes free SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates for web sites with automatic creation, validation, signing, installation and renewal. SSL allows HTTPS secure encrypted connections to the web server. I first mentioned Let's Encrypt in this post in 2014. It is finally out of beta and available for prime time. The main purpose is to make it trivial to have encrypted communication between the web browser and web server, and make much more of the Internet secure.

Let's Encrypt only creates domain validated certificates. This means that you must have control over the web server, not that you control the business entity that purports to run the web site. Thus, someone can create a web site that looks like it is run by Microsoft and have SSL traffic to the site, but it is not controlled by Microsoft. Let's Encrypt currently has no plans to support Extended Validation Certificates that verify that a web site is run by the entity that it says that runs it.

Let's Encrypt has a program that you run on the web server that sets up the web site with the certificate. It validates that you have control of the web site, then gets a certificate and installs it. It also sets up the job to renew the certificate. Let's Encrypt believes in having certificates with short expiration dates, with frequent renewals. With the automatic process to perform the renewal, frequent renewals are painless.

The program that sets up the Let's Encrypt certificate on the web server will be maintained on the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) web site, although for the moment it is still on the Let's Encrypt web site. However, that program is designed for Apache web servers running on Linux. Someone has released a version of Let's Encrypt for IIS servers running on Windows. I have tested this on a site on my web server, and it could not be more simple to use. You run the program, answer a couple of questions, and it does all the work of getting the certificate, installing it, changing the web site bindings to use the certificate, and setting up the scheduled job to renew the certificate.

There are still some problems. As I mentioned in this post, if there are multiple web sites running on the same IP address, a chicken-and-egg problem occurs with establishing the communication between the browser and the web server. The browser sends an encrypted request to the web server on port 443. The problem is that the web server doesn't know which web site it should direct the request to, because the request that has the web site to communicate to is encrypted, and it can't decrypt the packet until it can retrieve the certificate from the web site. This means that using the traditional technology you can only have one SSL encrypted web site per IP address. That would be fine if we had an abundance of IP addresses available, but we don't with IPv4. IPv6 will fix that problem, but the Internet infrastructure for it isn't there yet.

There is a solution to the chicken and egg problem. It's called Server Name Indication (SNI). The idea in SNI is that at the start of the handshaking procedure between the browser and the web server, a preliminary exchange occurs that directs the server to the correct web site to get the certificate. This requires that SNI be implemented in both the web browser and the web server. Anyone running an old web browser can't visit SNI enabled web sites. The web server also must support it.

This link gives which versions of browsers and web servers started supporting SNI. The two most significant entries are that Internet Explorer on Windows XP doesn't support it, and it first became available on Windows Server 2012. On my web sites, at this time, approximately 6% of my traffic does not use a browser that supports SNI. Do you want to exclude those people? More significant for me is that my server is running Windows 2008 R2, which doesn't support SNI at all. So unless I upgrade my server, I have a limit of one SSL site per IP address.

Let's Encrypt is a significant part of the solution to securing all communication between the browser and the server. It doesn't solve all the issues, but it is free and easy. Other than the technical limitations listed above, there is not much reason not to use it.


Names That Break Databases

Database programmers frequently make false assumptions and compromises about names. Back when disk space was horrendously expensive, it was often for disk consumption reasons: If you allocated 15 characters for a last name, it consumed 15*numberOfRecords amount of bytes of disk space (not even considering non-ASCII names). The average last name in the U.S. is six characters, and almost all are less than 13, so 15 should be enough, right? These early systems also often didn't allow for variable length names. The person who ran the department for one of my first programming jobs had a hyphenated last name with 16 characters in it, and hated having it truncated. We bought more disk space just to handle that name.

You may think this all went away with the fact that disk space has become extremely cheap. (This dates me a little: My first 1 GB drive cost over $1000. Think about how expensive your cell phone, much less a terabyte+ database, would be at that rate!) Cheap disk space and variable length database fields have made things better, but database programmers still make many wrong assumptions and compromises regarding names.

Think about this: What if one of your customer's last name was Null? Would your system break? If so, it probably has other problems and is possibly open to a SQL Injection Attack. One of my favorite XKCD comics (If you don't understand why this is funny, see SQL Injection Attack on Wikipedia):

(In some places, because of this comic, SQL Injection Attacks are called Little Bobby Tables Attacks. I like this comic so much, I got one signed by Randall Monroe for my wife, who is an Oracle Database Administrator, for her desk at work.)

[General rule: Do not concatenate SQL with user supplied data...use parameters instead!]

This article discusses the many problems that people named Null run into: The names that break computer systems.

There are many other assumptions about names that turn out to be false. This is my favorite article about them: Falsehoods programmers believe about names

This is the start of the list from the article:
  1. People have exactly one canonical full name.
  2. People have exactly one full name which they go by.
  3. People have, at this point in time, exactly one canonical full name.
  4. People have, at this point in time, one full name which they go by.
  5. People have exactly N names, for any value of N.
  6. People’s names fit within a certain defined amount of space.
  7. People’s names do not change.
  8. People’s names change, but only at a certain enumerated set of events.
  9. ...
Take care that your system handles as many of these as possible. Almost all database systems have to make compromises to handle names, but they don't need to break just because they hit a name like 'Null'.


HTML and CSS to Make Image Fill Window Height

I wanted to get an image to fill the entire window height in the browser and center horizontally, keeping the aspect ratio. There are a number of different ways of trying to do this, however, for my purposes (use in an epub, which restricts the HTML and CSS)  I could not use position:fixed or JavaScript. This vastly cut down on the number of methods possible. This is what I wound up with:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <div style="text-align:center">
            <img style="height:98vh" src="../Images/cover.jpg" />

The 98vh is a CSS3 unit that scales the height to 98% of the viewport height. This leaves a little border around the image. The vh will work in most modern browsers, but not in older ones.


Using File.WriteAllText() with Encoding.UTF8 Writes Byte Order Mark (BOM) EF BB BF

First a little background on ASCII, Unicode, and UTF-8. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a 50 year old standard, first adopted for teleprinters. It has 127 codes, and works rather well for representing English. As computers were used in other parts of the world, though, they needed some way to represent characters outside the ones available in ASCII. Various schemes were developed, but the one that has become the standard is Unicode.

Unicode represents each character as a numbered code point, allowing most characters in most languages to be represented. The first 127 code points are exactly same values as ASCII, making it a superset of ASCII. Unicode does not have a defined way of representing its code points in bytes, though, and various methods are used. The most popular encoding scheme is called UTF-8.

UTF-8 has the advantage that if the text characters are in the ASCII range, that the length in bytes is the same as ASCII. The length is only larger for representing characters outside the ASCII range.

So, given all that, you might think that the following four lines of C# code should all output the same bytes:

File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\Sample.txt", "Hello World!");
File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\Sample.txt", "Hello World!", Encoding.Default);
File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\Sample.txt", "Hello World!", Encoding.ASCII);
File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\Sample.txt", "Hello World!", Encoding.UTF8);

Since the "Hello World!" text is all in the ASCII range, you would expect that all four lines would write the same bytes. The first three lines, do write the same thing, but the fourth line writes something different. Here is a hex dump of the first output of the first three lines:

00000000  48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21              Hello World!

Here is the hex dump of the Encoding.UTF8 file:

00000000  EF BB BF 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21     ...Hello World!

What are those first three bytes, EF BB BF? They are called the Byte Order Mark (BOM). They are supposed to indicate to a system reading the bytes how they are supposed to be read. When encoding the number 1 in binary, it could be encoded 1000000 or 00000001. The first is called Big Endian, and the second is called Little Endian. Most computers today use Little Endian ordering of bits.

Furthermore, when encoding the decimal number 400 in Little Endian, it could be encoded 00000001 10010000 or 10010000 00000001. In other words, the order of the bytes could change. The Byte Order Mark is meant to put a known three bytes at the beginning of the text so the system can figure out what the order of bits and bytes is being represented.

When a system reading Unicode text sees the Byte Order Mark, it is supposed to eat those bytes. However, if the system isn't expecting the BOM, then it displays what looks like three random letters at the beginning of the text, like .

So if you want to write UTF-8 with the BOM, then you should use:

File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\Sample.txt", "Hello World!", Encoding.UTF8);

On the other hand, if you don't want the BOM, then you should use:

File.WriteAllText(@"c:\temp\Sample.txt", "Hello World!");

They are not the same!

Incidentally, the output of the first four lines are way different from each other if the text included non-ASCII characters, but that is a whole other topic.


Could Not Load the Assembly Because the Assembly Wasn't Signed

I was struggling for a few hours trying to get the Microsoft.Framework.Configuration code to run. It wouldn't because it kept complaining that:

FileLoadException was unhandled

As unhandled exception exception of type
'System.IO.FileLoadException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Could not load file or assembly
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or
one of its dependencies. A strongly-named assembly is
required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)

The wasted hours came because I didn't scroll down in the dialog to see the last two lines of the error (for which I feel a little annoyed at myself). It was complaining that it couldn't load the assembly, and I kept trying to debug why the assembly wasn't being found. Except it was being found, just not loaded because it wasn't signed. The group working on this library made a mistake and failed to sign the assembly. As soon as saw the last two lines of the error, I immediately knew what was going on.

I've written about this exact problem in my book. Quoting from  my book, The Reddick C# Style Guide:

An assembly that has strong name can only reference other assemblies with strong names.

And a little further in the book:

⊗    There may be cases where a reference is needed to a required library has not been given a strong name, and there is no way of adding one. There is no other solution than not signing the assembly. If possible, though, work on acquiring a version of the library that has a strong name.

The simple solution to get the code working was to go into the Project Properties of my project and uncheck the "Sign the Assembly" check box on the signing tab. A more complex solution, since the library is open source, would be to get the sources and build it myself, signing the assembly. The best solution is to get the maintainers to sign the assembly so everyone doesn't run into this problem. Unchecking the "Sign the Assembly" check box has the drawback that it causes the Code Analysis CA2210 warning. It also leaves the assembly unsigned, which is a worse problem.

The reason why you want to sign an assembly is that if the private key is kept private, it prevents someone from making unauthorized changes to the assembly. When a program links to the library, it does it in a way that if the bytes of the assembly are changed in any way without re-signing it with the private key, .NET will not load the assembly. This prevents malware from being added to the library and passing it off as legitimate.


Author Page on Amazon.com

I now have an author page on Amazon. http://amazon.com/author/gregreddick. You can find information about my books there. They don't allow me to list books where I contributed just an appendix, so there are quite a few that aren't listed.


The Reddick C# Style Guide Published

My book is finally published! It is available on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/0692531742. If you buy the print edition, the Kindle edition can be downloaded from Kindle Match for free.

The Reddick C# Style Guide
Best practices for writing C# code

So you've learned how to write C# code that compiles, but how do you make your code great? This is the definitive reference on how to write elegant C# code.

This book covers:

  • Formatting, documenting, and organizing code
  • Naming elements
  • Using code patterns
  • Architecting projects
  • Implementing security
  • Handling warnings
  • ... and many other best practices
This book contains hundreds of rules and examples showing how to write good quality C# code. Using these recommendations will make your code more correct, robust, extensible, reusable, efficient, and maintainable.

ISBN: 978-0-692-53174-7 262 pages


Writing Landscape Text into Microsoft Word Document

For a book I am writing using Microsoft Word, I needed to include some source code listings. These listings are wider than will fit  in a portrait orientation, so I needed them to be landscape. I could create sections that are landscape, but the publisher I am using can't deal with that, so I needed them to be landscape text on a portrait page. I also needed to be able to re-add the listings if the source code changed. This sounds like a job for VBA. Below is the code that I wrote.

I add textboxes to each page, and then fill the textbox with the vertical text.

Option Explicit
' Copyright © 2015 Xoc Software
' Put source listings landscape on a page
' Applies two styles RotatedFileName and RotatedCode

Public Sub AddSourceListings()
    Dim shape As shape
    Dim files As Collection
    Dim strsFileNames As Collection
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim varFileName As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lngLineNumber As Long
    Dim varLine As Variant
    'Maximum lines per page...adjust to page width
    Const lngMaxLines As Long = 35
    Set files = New Collection
    Set strsFileNames = New Collection
    'FileNames to document
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.CoverGenerator\GraphicsExtensions.cs"
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.CoverGenerator\PageType.cs"
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Program.cs"
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.Penrose\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.Penrose\RhombusTiler.cs"
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.Penrose\RhombusType.cs"
    strsFileNames.Add "c:\src.cs\Xoc.CoverGenerator\Xoc.Penrose\Triangle.cs"
    For Each varFileName In strsFileNames
        files.Add ProcessFile(varFileName)
    Next varFileName
    lngLineNumber = 0
    Set shape = AddPage
    For i = 1 To files.Count
        If lngLineNumber >= lngMaxLines Then
            Set shape = AddPage
            lngLineNumber = 0
        End If
        With shape.TextFrame
            strFileName = strsFileNames(i)
            'Remove up through the first slash each time
            strFileName = Mid$(strFileName, InStr(1, strFileName, "\") + 1)
            strFileName = Mid$(strFileName, InStr(1, strFileName, "\") + 1)
            strFileName = Mid$(strFileName, InStr(1, strFileName, "\") + 1)
            .TextRange.InsertAfter strFileName
            Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
            Selection.Style = "RotatedFileName"
            Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
            Selection.Style = "RotatedCode"
        End With
        lngLineNumber = lngLineNumber + 2
        For Each varLine In files(i)
            shape.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter varLine & Chr(11)
            lngLineNumber = lngLineNumber + 1
            If lngLineNumber >= lngMaxLines Then
                Set shape = AddPage
                Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                Selection.Style = "RotatedCode"
                lngLineNumber = 0
            End If
        Next varLine
        lngLineNumber = lngLineNumber + 1
    Next i
    Set strsFileNames = Nothing
    Set files = Nothing
End Sub

Private Function AddPage() As shape
    Dim doc As Document
    Dim section As section
    Set doc = Application.ActiveDocument
    Set section = doc.Sections.Add
    Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
    'Size the textbox on the page, adjust to page size and margins
    Set AddPage = doc.Shapes.AddTextbox(Orientation:=msoTextOrientationUpward, Left:=54, Top:=54, Width:=324, Height:=540)
End Function

Private Function ProcessFile(ByVal strFileName As String) As Collection
    Dim strLine As String
    Dim boolFirst As Boolean
    Dim lines As Collection
    Set lines = New Collection
    boolFirst = True
    Open strFileName For Input As #1
    Do Until EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, strLine
        strLine = Replace(strLine, Chr(9), "     ")
        'Remove some miscellanous stuff Visual Studio adds to files
        strLine = Replace(strLine, "", "")
        strLine = Replace(strLine, "Â", "")
        lines.Add strLine
    Close #1
    Set ProcessFile = lines
    Set lines = Nothing
End Function


Printing the Copyright Symbol in a C# Console Application

This is a tiny little tip. I wanted to print the copyright symbol in a console application. The trick is to set the console output encoding to UTF8. If you don't, it prints a c instead of a ©. This applies to all characters outside the ASCII range.

Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
Console.WriteLine("Copyright © 2015 Xoc Software");


Installing StyleCop in Visual Studio

StyleCop is a tool that reports problems with the source code in C#. Up through Visual Studio 2013, it is provided as an extension to Visual Studio. For Visual Studio 2013 and earlier, StyleCop could be downloaded and installed from http://stylecop.codeplex.com/. The source code is available there as well.

For Visual Studio 2015, the way that extensions are installed changed. Because extensions from 2013 don't work the same way as 2015, the 2013 version of StyleCop won't work in Visual Studio 2015. A person branched the StyleCop 2013 sources and produced a 2015 version. The sources are available at https://github.com/Visual-Stylecop/Visual-StyleCop, however the package for it can be downloaded from the Visual Studio 2015 Extensions and Updates menu item. Search for "Visual StyleCop" in the online extensions and install the version there. This will work essentially the same as Visual Studio 2013 using the same parser for C# and interface into Visual Studio. Currently there are some issues with parsing the new syntax available with C# version 6, but they are getting resolved.

However Visual Studio 2015 has added a new feature: Custom Analyzers. These use the features of the Roslyn compiler to parse the source code. They also integrate into Visual Studio to provide an interface for fixing the reported problems. They can report problems at the time the code is written, not just after a compile. Custom Analyzers are clearly the way forward for tools like StyleCop.

A group of people have re-implemented StyleCop as a Visual Studio 2015 Analyzer. The source code is available at https://github.com/DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers. The package can be installed from NuGet console by typing "install-package stylecop.analyzers -pre". Because, unlike previous versions of StyleCop, these analyzers don't have a configuration dialog, they must be configured in JSON code. Read the document at https://github.com/DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers/blob/master/documentation/Configuration.md on how to configure the settings.


Getting the Fonts in Use in a Word Document

Word does not provide an easy way to get a list of the fonts in use inside the document. Here is a VBA macro that will provide that list. In word, press Alt+F11, Select Insert Module from the menu, and paste the code below. Then from the View ribbon, click Macros, select XocListFonts from the list, then click Run. It will show a MessageBox with the names of all the typefaces in use inside the document. When you save the document, you will need to save it as a Macro Enabled Document, otherwise the code will be removed.

Public Sub XocListFonts()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim rngStory As Range
    Dim rngChar As Range
    Dim strsFontNames As Collection
    Dim strFontOld As String
    Dim strFontCur As String
    Dim strFontName As String
    Dim objFontName As Variant
    Dim Number As Integer
    Dim strFonts As String
    Set strsFontNames = New Collection
    For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        strFontOld = ""
        If rngStory.End > 1 Then
            Set rngChar = rngStory.Characters(1)
                strFontCur = rngChar.Font.Name
                If strFontCur <> strFontOld Then
                    strFontOld = strFontCur
                    ' This causes a runtime error if the font doesn't exist
                    objFontName = strsFontNames.Item(strFontCur)
                End If
                rngChar.MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
                rngChar.MoveEnd wdCharacter, 1
            Loop Until rngChar.End = rngStory.End
        End If
    Next rngStory
    For Each objFontName In strsFontNames
        strFonts = strFonts & objFontName & vbCrLf
    Next objFontName
    MsgBox strFonts
Exit Sub
    Number = Err.Number
    Select Case Number
        Case 5 'Invalid Procedure Call
            strsFontNames.Add strFontCur, strFontCur
            Resume Next
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Unexpected Error #" & Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    End Select
End Sub

An alternate way to get a list is to save the document as a PDF file. Then open the PDF file in Adobe Reader. From the File menu, select Properties. Then click the fonts tab. Adobe is a little more explicit about the fonts, differentiating Bold and Italic fonts from the normal font.


New Features in C# Version 7

I previously commented on the features being developed for C# version 6, shipped with Visual Studio 2015. They are now working on C# version 7. The discussion can be followed at https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/labels/Design%20Notes. Right now they are just talking about things, and nothing is set in stone.

Notable things being discussed:
  1. Tuples (#347)
  2. Pattern matching (#206)
  3. Records / algebraic data types (#206)
  4. Nullability tracking (#227)
  5. Async streams and disposal (#114, #261)
  6. Strongly typed access to wire formats (#3910)
  7. Method contracts (#119)
  8. Params IEnumerable (#36)
  9. Readonly parameters and locals (#115)
  10. Immutable types (#159)
  11. Object initializers for immutable objects (#229)
  12. Array slices  (#120)
  13. Local Functions (#259)
  14. Covariant returns (#357)
Some comments on these:
  • The tuples feature would allow a method to return multiple values, among other things. The LUA language has this ability, and I find it rather nice.
  • Pattern matching would have some syntax similar to a switch statement that could match a string to a pattern and execute some code.
  • Records would simplify having a simple type essentially only made of properties.
  • Nullability tracking would allow you to specify whether a reference variable would ever be allowed to be null. For example, you could make a string variable that could never be null. It sounds like this would be implemented as a language feature, not a CLR (common language runtime) feature, so under some circumstances it could be defeated. I'm unsure whether implementing this halfway is the right thing to do here.
  • Method contracts would move code contracts into the language. This would be welcome feature, as now they are implemented as method calls and a tool that patches the C# code.
  • Readonly parameters and locals. This would improve code quality. I'm not sure I like the keywords they are talking about, but the feature is good.
  • Immutable types. Another thing to improve code quality.
  • Array slices. There is one place in my code that this would improve performance by several orders of magnitude. They are saying that this would require CLR support, so is unlikely to make it into version 7.
  • Local functions. Syntactic sugar, don't think it is really that helpful.
Some nice things. I do worry that they are making the language more complicated with each version. This increases the learning curve for new programmers.


Uninstall Cisco VPN Software Before Upgrading to Windows 10

I tried to upgrade a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. Windows 10 upgraded, but it would not recognize the network drivers. This is a real pain because you can't install anything that would fix it from the network, and instead have to use another machine and copy files over using a USB stick.

After doing some research, I discovered that multiple people have reported this problem. It occurs because the Surface had the Cisco VPN software installed. The normal way people have fixed this is to revert back to the previous operating system, then remove the Cisco software, then reinstall Windows 10 (a crazy amount of work and time). However, when I tried to revert, something was messed up and it told me I didn't have the files to revert.

I finally just wound up searching the machine for every file related to DNE (Deterministic Network Enhancer) and Cisco and killing them. Then I searched the registry for all entries related to DNE and Cisco deleted those. (As always, be real careful when messing with the registry or you can permanently damage Windows!) This took hours: the revert and reinstall would have been faster. After a reboot, the network came back up.

Cisco shouldn't have this problem, but Microsoft's upgrade should have worked around this.  It's both of their fault.

TL;DR: Uninstall the Cisco VPN software before trying to upgrade to Windows 10. Then reinstall it after you are done with the upgrade. If you've already upgraded, revert (if you can), uninstall the VPN software, and upgrade again.